(ENG) Sudi's Octree: Advanced use.

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http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by/2.5/it/80x15.png Licenzed under Creative Commons ShareAlike noncommercial 2.5 by Dario "Demone Rosso". (Red Demon).


First of all download Sudi's code.  I linked his code in this article about his Octree.


This tutorial show how to use multiple Sudi's Octree SceneManager. This can be usefull for someone (for example who is using different Octrees at the same time: applications with multiple windows). I show here how to create lots of OctreeManager, how to add child to them and how to remove them from memory without causing a memory leach. 


#include <irrlicht.h>                     //download Irrlicht package to get the header
#include <iostream>          //I get here the rand() function
#include "COcttreeManager.h" //I have linked it from here 

#include "ImprovedCOttreeManager.h"  //this will be released within my game
#include "driverChoice.h"    //download Irrlicht package to get this header

using namespace irr;                       //then use proper namespaces
using namespace core;
using namespace scene;
using namespace video;
using namespace io;
using namespace gui;

int main()                 // main method


    //a variable for use the improved octree. 

    //actually there is no release for it.

    bool useImprovedOctree = false;



    // Ask for player to select a render driver
    E_DRIVER_TYPE driverType = driverChoiceConsole();
          if ( driverType == EDT_COUNT )
                return 1;

    // create the IrrlichtDevice in wich we run our game
    IrrlichtDevice *device = createDevice( driverType,
                        dimension2d<u32>(640, 480), 32, false);
    if (!device)
        return 2;


    //get the scene manager

    ISceneManager* smgr = device->getSceneManager();



    // I declare here some variables I'm going to use

    array<ISceneNode *>  managerList; //an array of Sudi's OctreeManagers.

    array<ISceneNode *>  childList;  

    ISceneNode*          node=0;


    //Allocate arrays.

    u16 aSize = 256;

    managerList.reallocate( aSize );

    childList.reallocate( aSize );



    for (u16 i=0; i<aSize; i++)


        if( useImprovedOctree ) //for now I continue to use original code

            managerList[i] = new COcttreeManager(smgr->getRootSceneNode(),  smgr,


                                    (-1000,-1000,-1000,1000,1000,1000)  );


            managerList[i] = new COcttreeManager(smgr->getRootSceneNode(),  smgr,


                                    (-1000,-1000,-1000,1000,1000,1000)  );


        //now that we have created the OctreeManager we fill it with childs


        for(u16 j=0; j<aSize; j++)


            node = smgr->addCubeSceneNode(5.0f, managerList[i],i*aSize+j+1001,

                                   vector3df( (f32)(rand()%1800-900),


                                              (f32)(rand()%1800-900) )

                                          ); //create a cube


            node->setParent(managerList[i]); //add it to the octree manager




        device->run(); //draw the scene once.

       driver->beginScene(true, true, SColor(0,130,130,130));




       managerList[i]->setParent(0); //remove the octree manager from smgr

       managerList[i]->drop();  //drop it. Now it will be deleted.







    return 0;  //end of program


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